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Student Spotlight: Kylie Rose Lawrence

Hi! My name is Kylie Rose Lawrence. I am a California native but spent much of my childhood in the Pacific Northwest, specifically Washington state. There, I grew up on a small island with a farm and garden that influenced my strong love for animals and appreciation for nature. My mom is a writer and English teacher, which inspired my love for writing. I also spend a lot of my free time creating art--either painting or drawing--and listening to music.

I am a Communications major with a minor in Studio Art. Currently, I am the News Editor for the Sonoma State Star, and next semester I will become the Editor-In-Chief. On top of that, I also write for Sonoma State’s Revival Zine and run an art business on the side. My proudest accomplishments are my art being featured in XXL Magazine and having my art called “beautiful” by late rapper Lil Peep’s mother. The Arts and Humanities program has provided me with real journalism experience through the school run paper. There, I have gained a sense of confidence in my writing which would not have been possible without my peers and professors at Sonoma State.

Upon my graduation, I hope to snag a job at a professional newspaper or magazine. On top of that, I plan on continuing to create art until I physically cannot. Because of Sonoma and the Arts and Humanities program, I have a strong resume and portfolio of my writing which will hopefully help aid me in my future endeavors.