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News and Events

Duncan Addicott
Duncan Addicott: Cultivating Growth Through an Internship at LandPaths

For Communications major Duncan Addicott, a junior at Sonoma State University, Fridays are not just a day to wind down.

photo of tal doc
Journeys of Black Mathematicians, a documentary film series now airing on PBS

Journeys of Black Mathematicians, a documentary film series now airing on PBS.

Hillary Len and DJ Lance
DJ Lance Rock visits to discuss his career in television, music and writing

DJ Lance Rock visited Prof. Len Haynes’ COMS 200 Principles of Media Communication class. Lance Robertson is a Los Angeles-based musician, DJ, and actor also known as "DJ Lance Rock" from the award-winning Nick Jr show, Yo Gabba Gabba!

CINE students at work
Picture this: SSU students as media creators

Check out this story about our newest degree program, Cinematic Arts and Technology.

Ally in KSUN
How stepping out of my comfort zone enhanced my college experience

Check out this article in EdSource from COMS student Ally Valiente.

Kaili on court
Intern Kaili Spooner perfects her broadcast live-streaming for the Women’s Premier Basketball Association

As the final buzzer echoed through the basketball arena and the satisfying swish of the net sealed the game,

Group Photo KSUN Spring 24
Sonoma State's KSUN is Where Students Find Their Voice

Check out this article from SSU's Strategic Communications about our very own KSUN!

Warren Court
COMS Student receives Honorable Mention

COMS Student, Jenna Beament, receives Honorable Mention for her Warren Court Essay submission titled "School-to-Prison Pipeline".  CELS Website

CINE Scholarship winners
Local students win scholarship to new Cinematic Arts program at SSU

This fall, SSU introduced its new program for a Bachelor of Arts in Cinematic Arts in Technology, which focuses on preparing students for possible careers in the film and video production industries and emphasizes d

Choose your major for yourself, not for your family by Marie'sa Rumsey

COMS Senior Marie'sa Rumsey's featured article in EdSource