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David Gomez Lopez Helps with Global Water Crisis

by Giovanna Smith

Communications Major David Gomez Lopez thrived during his internship with Gravity Water, a global non-profit organization focusing on water equity and distribution.

“It’s hard work but also rewarding,” he said about his remote internship experience.

From his time at Gravity Water, he learned many useful skills that he’s planning on using in his career. These include being a team player, organizing spreadsheets, and protocols for email campaigns.

As a Youth Initiative Coordinator, Lopez collaborated with various high schools, encouraging them to build water systems in developing countries. This position helped him to find out what he wants from a career.

  1. Where was your internship and what did you do?

I interned for Youth Initiative Coordinator for Gravity Water. I reached out to high schools to ask if they want to campaign for and build water systems in other countries, focusing on Nepal and Vietnam for now.

  1. How did you find this internship?

I got an email about it from Communications Administrator Coordinator Shelley Stephens over the summer for Fall 2021 internships.

  1. Why did you choose this internship?

I chose this internship because I just wanted real world experience. I also wanted to help developing countries with their water crises.

  1. What were some things you learned from this internship that you can use in a future job?

I learned how to become a team player, how to do spreadsheets, and how to send out mass emails. I also found out what I want from a career. I enjoyed working for a nonprofit because it was a great way to start out in a working environment but I also want to do other internships to see what else is out there.