Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies

This degree features a wide variety of media-related courses. Subjects cover a diverse range of topics and skill sets, which allow students to be knowledgeable in many aspects of the media industry.

Program Learning Objectives

  1. Improve written, oral, and multimedia communication skills
  2. Practice collaborative learning and leadership skills
  3. Critically analyze media messages and understand media theory, research, law, and ethics
  4. Demonstrate a practical skill related to a media industry
  5. Integrate and apply academic skills in experiential learning 

Program Requirements (44 units):

  • Major Core (24): All students complete 24 units of required coursework.
  • Major Skill (4): All students complete 4 units of skill coursework
  • Major Outlet (8): All students complete 8 units of media outlet coursework.
  • Major Electives (8): All students complete 8 units of COMS elective courses.

Core Courses (24 units required)

  • COMS 200 Principles of Media Communication or COMS 160 A/B Media & Society [also A3/C3 GE]
  • COMS 202 Methods of Media Criticism or COMS 162 A/B Media Literacy [also A3/C3 GE]
  • COMS 301 Media Theory and Research
  • COMS 302 Media Ethics and Law
  • COMS 402 Senior Seminar
  • COMS 499 Media Internship

Skills Courses (4 units required—additional units can be used for COMS Elective credit)

  • COMS 201 Video Production (required pre-req for Studio Blue COMS 369)
  • COMS 210 Web and Print Journalism (required pre-req for the STAR COMS 368)
  • COMS 240 Public Relations (required pre-req for Primitivo COMS 340)
  • COMS 265 Radio and Audio Production (required pre-req for KSUN COMS 385)
  • COMS 320 Selected Topics
  • COMS 322 Broadcast Journalism
  • COMS 323 Health, Science, and Environmental Journalism
  • COMS 324 Scriptwriting for TV
  • COMS 325 New Media
  • COMS 326 Advanced Presentation Techniques
  • CINE - certain CINE production skills classes can count(please check with your COMS Advisor)

Media Outlets (8 units required—additional units can be used for COMS Elective credit)

  • COMS 340 PR Firm ( required pre-req is COMS 240)
  • COMS 368 The Star (required pre-req is COMS 210)
  • COMS 369 Studio Blue (required pre-req is COMS 201)
  • COMS 385 KSUN (suggested pre-req is COMS 265)

Electives* (8 units required) 

  • COMS 273 Selected Topic: Media Pop Culture
  • COMS 275 21st Century Television as Art
  • COMS 320 Selected Topics
  • COMS 321 International Communications
  • COMS 327 Media and Children
  • COMS 328 America at the Movies
  • COMS 329 Reality TV and Film
  • COMS 435 Seminar in Mass Media (Cross-listed with SOCI 435)
  • CINE - certain CINE courses can count (check with your COMS Advisor)
  • Any other COMS course (please check with your COMS Advisor)

Majors may take 4 units of Elective credit outside the department from the following list:

  • AMCS 392 Ethnic Images in Film {also a C1}
  • ARTS 310 Digital Imaging
  • CALS 393 Chicano/Latino Cinema {also C1}
  • CINE 310 Audio Production and Post Production
  • CINE 330 Post Production
  • ENGL 368 Small Press Editing
  • FR 300 Literary Analysis & Critical Writing {also C3}
  • FR 314 Special Topics in French Culture {also C2}
  • GER 314 Literature & Culture of the German-Speaking World {also C2}
  • LIBS 320C Film Theory & Narrative
  • NAMS 338 Native Americans in the Cinema {also C1}
  • SOCI 435 Media Censorship
  • SPAN 300 Advanced Spanish Language {also C3}
  • THAR 120 Fundamentals of Acting

NOTE: 4 Elective units are also earned by any of the following:

  • The COMS 160A/B LC or COMS 162A/B LC (which yields 4 Elective units for the year)
  • Taking an extra/additional Skill or Media Outlet course;
  • Taking an approved course in another department.