Ed Beebout
Director of Center for the Arts

Stevenson Hall 3610Office Hours
Ed received an M.S. in Journalism and Mass Communication from Iowa State University and B.A. in Journalism from Humboldt State University. Prior to his hire at SSU in 2007, he was an award-winning 25-year veteran of the broadcast news industry, regionally well-known for many years as the lead anchor of KFTY-TV. His broadcast work received honors from the Associated Press and Peninsula Press Club, as well commendations from county, state and congressional representatives. Since joining the Department of Communication and Media Studies, he has written, produced and narrated three documentaries which aired on Bay Area television: “News in A New Age” (2011), “Digital Dialogues” (2013), and “Immigration Politics: A Sonoma County Perspective” (2017).
Courses taught by Professor Beebout include Broadcast Journalism, Media Ethics and Law, and Principles of Mass Media. He is also adviser to the student-run video production media outlet, Studio Blue. Professor Beebout believes his department’s mission is to not only teach students how to be professional media practitioners, but to also how to be literate, ethical and responsible media consumers.
Link to “Immigration Politics: A Sonoma County Perspective”