Marco Calavita

Nichols Hall 332Office Hours
Dr. Marco Calavita is a Professor of Communication and Media Studies. He received his PhD in Culture and Communication from New York University and his BA in Theater Arts-Film from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Before arriving at Sonoma he was a Doctoral Teaching Fellow at NYU, where he also worked as research assistant to Professor Todd Gitlin. His book Apprehending Politics: News Media and Individual Political Development was published by SUNY Press (2005), and his journalism, criticism and research have appeared in Wired, Cineaste, the San Francisco Chronicle,, the Journal of Film & Video, the Journal of Communication, American Journalism, Mass Communication & Society, Journalism Studies, the Communication Review, the Atlantic Journal of Communication, and Popular Communication, among other publications and outlets. He is at work on a new book about contemporary American film and society.