Minor in Film Studies

The Film Studies minor is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental program that analyzes the theory, history, practice and cultural significance of film. Students will study a broad range of film texts and learn to appreciate a variety of aesthetic and filmmaking practices. Through a critical examination of film, students will also learn to appreciate the moral and aesthetic values of various cultures, ethnicities, races and nationalities. While exploring film’s connection with several cultures students will learn to approach film and the cinema in a critical and analytic manner. The film studies minor offers students a flexible curriculum that complements several existing major degree programs in the humanities and social sciences. The minor also constitutes excellent supplementary preparation for graduate study and media or film-related careers. In consultation with their advisor, students can design a minor with an emphasis relevant to their academic and career objectives.
The minor consists of a minimum of 18 semester units distributed among a core (7 units) and a choice of electives (11 or more units).


Film Studies Coordinator

Talena Sanders
Associate Professor/Cinematic Arts and Technology Degree Coordinator/Film Studies Minor Coordinator
Nichols Hall 330