News and Events

Amy Gutierrez is no stranger to taking on new challenges.

The Communication and Media Studies Department’s newest permanent faculty member didn’t start out with an eye toward a career in higher education, but her media background and passion for what she does makes her a great addition to the team.

Jonah Raskin peruses his newest mystery novel, "Dark Day, Dark Night".

Dr. Elizabeth Burch will be presenting her article, "A Sea Change for 'Climate Change Refugees': How Social Media, Not Journalism, Tells Their Real Story" at the World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC) in Paris, France, this summer.

Tell us about your current job and the path you took to get there.

Matthew with Dr. Judy Sakaki
Hello Class of 2019 readers! Have any of you ever felt ready for a change, but you did not know what that looked like? So have I. Before transferring to SSU in Fall of 2017, I was unsure about my purpose in life.

Assistant Professor Talena Sanders is close to wrapping up filming on a documentary feature exploring a unique spin on an important part of indigenous Mexican culture.

Tell us about your time in the Communication and Media Studies Program.

Two 2016 Communication and Media Studies graduates are the focus of an article in the fall/winter 2019 issue of "Insights," the Sonoma State University magazine. Read the story by fellow alumnus Francisco A.